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Positions, Apprenticeships and Internships

The Open Doors Initiative works with companies who practice inclusive recruitment. These are some positions available at present, where our companies would encourage applications from people with diverse backgrounds, abilities and skills. Training and mentoring are available with these positions to help you achieve your goals.

Please complete this short form if you would like us to support you to find employment.

Click here for advice on how to apply for the jobs below.

Contact if you have any questions.

When applying for roles please mention The Open Doors Initiative in your application or cover letter.

Available Positions

Corporate Affairs Intern
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Mr Price
In-house Solicitor
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Current Vacancies
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Current Vacancies
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Mr Price
Sales Assistant
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Mr Price
Duty Manager
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Mr Price
Store Manager
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Odyssey Social Care
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Bus Éireann
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An Cosán
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Premier Lotteries
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Bus Éireann
Heavy Vehicle Mechanic
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Commercial Accountant
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Associate QA EHS Engineer
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Current Vacancies
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An Post
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Circle K
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CPL - Talent Evolution Group
Opportunities in Banking
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Compass Ireland
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RSL Ireland
Trade Counter/Store Person
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Relief Worker
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CPM Ireland
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Belong To
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Northern Trust
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Bank of Ireland
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Internal Vacancies
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BT Ireland
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Multiple Roles
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An Post
Multiple Roles
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Irish Rail
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Rehab Group
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Open Doors Mentorship Programme

The purpose of the Open Doors mentorship programme is to support job seekers from marginalised groups to meet their full potential and achieve their professional goals.  

These might include: 

Through this free programme, you will be matched with an experienced professional from an Open Doors member company (see all members here). The programme will last three to six months and will consist of six individual sessions of one hour each. 

Your mentor will help you define goals for your career and come up with an action plan to achieve them. They will give you professional advice and guidance to help you define the next steps in your career. 

Before beginning the Mentorship Programme, all mentors and mentees need to undertake our training session in advance to understand the full scope of what is involved, the format of the mentorship relationship and their commitment required to have a successful result. The training session will last approximately 45 minutes and is mandatory for all participants. 

Once this training is complete, you will be asked to fill out a registration form, where you’ll provide details that will help match you with the best mentor to support you. You will then be assigned a mentor and begin your mentoring journey.  


Sign Up


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Sign Up

If you have any urgent queries about Mentorship, please contact

Training & Courses

Generation Ireland is a non-profit, who offers free life-changing skills bootcamps to help anyone facing barriers to employment launch thriving and sustainable careers in tech and sustainability.

  • Completely free training
  • 1:1 mentoring
  • Build your confidence
  • Connection to employers 

Find out more:

Generation Ireland Website

The Open Doors Initiative has partnered with Mason Alexander to produce a Jobseeker's Toolkit. The goal of the toolkit is to help prepare participants with the steps, advice, and tips to conduct a successful job search. The Jobseeker's Toolkit begins with the initial steps of looking for a job such as creating your CV, then goes on to provide advice on the best ways to search and apply for roles, while also including some vital LinkedIn tips and interview tips. The document also offers advice on disclosure and reasonable accommodations.

Jobseeker's Toolkit

The Accenture Digital Skills Courses platform contains an easy to use package of information and skills in the digital area, which we encourage you to share within your workplace, with participants and with those who are interested in the area or who want to upskill.

Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing Digital Skills for Work and Life Embracing Digital Technology Mobile Retail Social Media  User Experience Web Analytics

Solas eCollege is a leading learning platform that delivers online training courses of high quality interactive online learning courses, available any time through broadband Internet access, for those who wish to learn at their own pace. Courses include, project management, information technology, graphic design, web design, digital marketing, software development and basic computer literacy.

Solas eCollege

Hays Thrive is an online training platform available completely free to all organisations, to keep their business moving during this time of unprecedented challenge; and ready to thrive when we come out the other side.

  • Access anywhere – fully online courses available to complete wherever your team is working
  • Training where it’s needed most – our Learning Management System helps you assign training, track your team’s completions and create your own training programmes
  • Engaging content – training comprises of videos, quizzes and assessments – frequently updated for relevance

Hays Thrive

Olive Group provides powerful, easy to use learning applications allowing participants to train and develop within a rewarding, engaging experience. The unique Learning Management System, Academy HQ is the platform where you will be able to take the course of your choice, online, anytime and anywhere. The courses are accredited by Solas, QQI and RoSPA.

Olive Group

Skills Summary is a free online tool that captures the skills young people gain by participating in non-formal education, like youth work and volunteering, to build their confidence so that they can better communicate the value of these essential skills to future employers. Skills Summary helps young people assess their career skills and gives them a language around these skills – including communication skills, interpersonal skills and much more. Users build a strong CV, gather endorsements and develop job interview skills whilst using Skills Summary.

Skills Summary was launched in March 2019 and is the result of a collaborative project between the National Youth Council of Ireland, Accenture and It is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and recognised as a measurement tool in the Youth Employability Initiative.

Skills Summary

The Open Doors CV Guide was created to support jobseekers facing additional challenges to employment. It should help you create a well-written CV tha fits into what is expected in Ireland, while highlighting your strenghts and helping you stand out from the crowd. The guide contains information about what a recruiter or hiring manager will expect to see on each section of your CV, practical tips for those with qualifications and experiences from other countries, examples of what to include and not to include, and much more.

Open Doors CV Guide

INCO Academy's core aim is to bridge the digital skills gap and create opportunities for under-represented communities aged between 18 - 35. In Ireland, they run the Digital Marketing Job Academy for under-served individuals to gain skills and experience in marketing. The program is 100% free to the end user, delivered virtually through hands-on workshops and real-world projects.

INCO Academy

Open Doors Support

If you would like us to support you to find a job in Ireland, access further education/training, or start your own business, please complete this form and we will be in touch shortly.

If you require this form in an alternative format, please contact

Open Doors Participant Training

The Open Doors Free Online Training will help you to build the confidence and key employability skills needed to secure your next job.

Created specifically by Accenture, one of our partner companies, to meet the needs of jobseekers, this training will help to prepare you for the entire journey to work, from finding and applying for a job, to being successful in the workplace.

How To Get Started

Accessing the Open Doors Free Online Training is easy, just follow these three steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on ‘Learner Registration’ and use the Learner Access code: 01ODGE
  3. Try getting started with one of the topics below

CV Writing

What makes a ‘good’ CV? What layout is most appropriate?
Why is there no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ CV?

Learn how to make your CV stand out from the crowd with different styles and techniques in:

Create your CV

Find out tips and tricks for tailoring your CV for different jobs, including what you can do when you don’t have all the skills that the job asks for in:

Tailor your CV

Starting your first CV, or want to start over? Why not use our Open Doors CV template:

Open Doors CV Template

Showcasing your Transferable Skills

Being able to identify and talk about the transferrable skills you have gained to-date is so important when thinking about your career options, applying for jobs, and answering interview questions.
How can you pick out and showcase these skills?

Pick out what transferrable skills you have developed from different areas of your life, and how you can talk about them in:

Identify your Skills

Applying for a Job

How do you get started with your career journey?
How do you make sure you are submitting the best quality application possible?

Discover how you can find out about different careers, and the different sources of help for finding a job in:

Who Can Help You?

Get to grips with filling in application forms, and recognise why psychometric tests are used in:

The Application Form

Learn what makes a stand-out Cover Letter and how to take yours to the next level in:...

A Better Cover Letter

Interview Techniques

What are the tips and tricks to good communication?
How can you demonstrate you are the best fit for the job?
What is the effect of your body language?

Take your communication skills to the next level by learning how to structure your answers to Competency-based interview questions in:

Test Drive the CAR Technique

Discover all of the steps you can take to excel at your interview, from body language to preparing for difficult interview questions in:

Ace Your Interview

Put preparation into practice in this face-to-face interview simulation, and get feedback at each step of the way in:

Practice a Job Interview

Read our Open Doors top tips for preparing for an interview setting in:

Interview Tips

 Creating an Online Professional Presence

Who can see your online activity and why does it matter?
Why should you build an online professional network?
How can you use this to your advantage?

Learn about your online professional presence including how to create a great LinkedIn profile and presenting your personal brand in:

Online Professional Network

Behaviours in the Workplace

What does it mean to be professional? Why are first impressions so important?
What is expected of you in the workplace?
What should you know about living and working in Ireland?

Learn how to make a positive first impression and how to be professional in the workplace in:

Finding Your Feet

How you react to situations will shape your success at work. Learn all about methods to help you cope with difficult scenarios in:

Having the Right Attitude

Probation? Time Management? Feedback? Get to grips with all of these terms and learn to start off strong in:

Knowing Your Job

Here is your essential guide to living and working in Ireland, from taxes to public holidays in:

Guide to Working and Living in Ireland

Inclusivity Employment Toolkit

This Inclusivity Employment Toolkit drawn up by the Open Doors Initiative is aimed at assisting companies working with our three groups – people with disabilities, refugees and asylum seekers and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. It was created by O’ Herlihy Access with input from the UNHCR and Irish Youth Foundation.

Hopefully, it will assist you in your work with these groups and answer some questions you may have.

It is the first of future aids to help you in your work, particularly in terms of employing and working with people from marginalised groups and offering ways of meeting challenges and creating a better working environment for all.

Download Inclusivity Employment Toolkit PDF

Download PDF

Participant Legal Support

If you require advice or support with a legal matter as an Open Doors Participant, please find a list of free resources below. In Ireland, equality laws protect individuals from certain kinds of discrimination or harassment on the following nine grounds: 

For more information, please visit the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission or download the IHREC Guidelines on Applications for Legal Assistance and IHREC Legal Assistance Application Form.
About “Your Rights”
“Your Rights” is an information service operated by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission to provide individuals with information in respect of their rights and remedies that may be available should they believe they have suffered a breach of equality and/or human rights law in Ireland. The Your Rights Service can only provide information through this service, and cannot provide legal advice or comment on individual cases.
Contact details for “Your Rights” service 
Phone on 018583000 
Email on
You can also write to: Your Rights, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, 16-22 Green Street, Dublin 7.
Free Legal Advice Centre
FLAC is a human rights organisation which exists to promote equal access to justice for all. FLAC offers some basic legal assistance for free and in confidence, as well as campaigning on some priority areas of law. Visit their website for details or assistance.
Community Law and Mediation
Community Law & Mediation is an independent community law centre providing free legal advice, advocacy, mediation and education services. Visit


If you would like us to support you to find a job in Ireland, access further education/training, or start your own business, the best way to get started is to complete this form and we will be in touch shortly. If you require this form in an alternative format, please contact

If you have a general query, please email us at or use the form below.

Please do not include links or web addresses in your message.

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